Monday 8 June 2015

Benefits of Black Tea

benefits of black tea

The early morning blissful cup of black tea is the perfect beginning to a day for many of us. From an ancient medicinal drink to a daily drink, tea has come a long way and successfully carried its tradition of being a beneficially healthy drink. A cup or two of black tea daily can result in some truly marvellous health benefits.

Oral Health
The human tooth is very sensitive and prone to growth of bacteria. Consumption of black tea reduces plaque formation and restricts bacterial growth as polyphenols in black tea kill bacteria which causes cavity. So do include two cups of black tea along with your ‘brush twice daily’ routine for a healthy set of teeth.

A Tea Tale Heart
Individuals consuming 3 or more cups of black tea on a regular basis have a 21% lower risk of having a stroke than those consuming one cup or less black tea per day. A healthy heart translates to a healthy life, so grab your cup!

Tobacco and other toxic chemicals cause excessive DNA damage. Polyphenols in black tea help block these chemicals and contribute significantly towards a healthy lifestyle which we all thrive for.

Bones to boast about
Regular black tea drinkers not only have stronger bones but also enjoy a lower probability of suffering from arthritis and osteoporosis. To ward away older age bone woes, take long, peaceful sips of black tea today.

Demolish Diabetes
Moderate level of consumption of black tea (1-2 cups) daily cuts down the chance of developing type 2 diabetes by a whopping 70%!

Saying no to Stress
It is not unknown how relaxing and refreshing a cup of black tea can be after a long and tiring day. The amino acid L-teanine found in black tea can help one relax and concentrate better. So be it an overnight project to finish or a tense game which can go either way, a cup of black tea will sooth your hyper nerves.

An Iron Immune System
Black tea can be a wonderful antidote to common viruses bugging us now and then, such as influenza, stomach flu and common cold. The alkylamine antigens help boost our immune responses. So drink your quota of black tea everyday and bid a happy farewell to falling ill regularly.

A Gest to Digest
If gastric and digestion problems plague you consistently, green tea is your ultimate savior. Tannins in green tea have a therapeutic effect on intestinal diseases, allowing you not to worry before every bite.

The caffeine in the tea enhances the blood flow to the brain without excessively stimulating the heart. And it stimulates the respiratory system, the heart, the kidneys and metabolism. Still wondering where all that energy comes from? All from a cup of tea!

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