Wednesday 26 August 2015

Sleep Better With Tea

We all know what it is like to have a bad night's sleep and to start the day feeling tired and grumpy.

But a new survey has revealed the key to sweet dreams - going to bed at 10pm after having a cup of tea in your pyjamas.

The study of 2,000 people was carried out by bedlinen company Bedeck and shows how most people enjoy at least two hours and seven minutes of 'down time' before hitting the hay.

The average person watches at least an hour and three quarters of television, mainly soaps or comedy shows, to unwind. 

It is also believed people normally lie in bed for about 20 minutes before eventually dozing off. 

Tania Johnston, spokesman for Bedeck, said: 'One of the key elements is to have a good couple of hours doing very little - such as reading a book. 

'The time people go to bed is important, with most people ensuring they get a healthy eight or nine hours of sleep a night.' 

It takes on average 41 minutes for people to get home from work and then for the rest of the evening most try to relax by doing very little. 

Those who have the best night sleep are thought to finish their dinner an hour and 31 minutes before going to bed and will have their last cup of tea at about 9.10pm. 

A third of the participants felt more comfortable lounging about in their pyjamas before bed while 27 per cent wore just their underwear, according to the poll. 

Meanwhile, 6.47am is the dreaded time most sleepers are awoken from their slumber.

Source: Daily Mail

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