Monday 30 November 2015

10 Biggest Tea-Drinking Countries In The World

Ah, tea; the universally acceptable beverage. It is the world’s second most popular drink so it’s quite likely you’re enjoying a cup of your favourite brand while reading this. When someone is upset, you offer them tea. When it’s cold outside, you make a cup of tea. If you’re sitting down to do some work, you make yourself some tea to see you through. Basically, tea works in almost any situation. It comes in a variety of forms; iced, hot or cold, bagged or loose leaf tea – the list is endless. Well, maybe not endless but we would need a lot of time to list every variation of tea in the world.

Though tea is grown mainly in tropical or subtropical climates, it’s been paraded around the world since the sixteenth century. What is it about those magical leaves that bring us so much joy? It could be their universality and diversity. For colder countries, tea can be served piping hot after a hard day commuting in the frosty weather. In warmer climates, tea fans can chill iced tea in the fridge as a refreshing cooler. Tea’s not just a beverage; it’s got strong social and cultural connotations, and is a sign of hospitality worldwide. There’s a huge culture of tea that’s laden with history. This begs the question; who are the biggest tea-drinkers in the world? In which country does the social activity of tea-drinking dominate? And does your country make the top ten?
10. Kazakhstan 1.54 kg (54 oz) per capita
9. Qatar 1.60 kg (56 oz) per capita
8. Kuwait 1.61 kg (57 oz) per capita
7. United Arab Emirates 1.89 kg (67 oz) per capita
6. Seychelles 2.08 kg (73 oz) per capita
5. United Kingdom 2.74 kg (97 oz) per capita
4. Mauritania 3.22 kg (114 oz) per capita
3. Ireland 3.22 kg (114 oz) per capita
2. Morocco 4.34 kg (153 oz) per capita
1. Turkey 6.87 kg (242 oz) per capita

Read the entire article here


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