Sunday 10 January 2016

Rose tea Benefits

Rose tea is a very healthy not to mention delicious beverage made from either dehydrated or fresh rose petals. The healing powers of rose petals have been known for centuries and today they are used to make therapeutic essential oils as well as being enjoyed as a nutritious tea.
Rose tea is fragrant, fruity and packed with vitamin C and antioxidants making it the ideal drink when your body needs a boost. Rose tea can benefit your body in any number of ways; it is great for the skin, can help you relax and being free of calories can even contribute towards your weight loss plan.

How can Rose Tea benefit your Health?

As well as its high vitamin C content, rose tea contains a large amount of polyphenols along with several other antioxidants like quercetin and ellagic acid. Polyphenols are natural antioxidants which are well known for their ability to repair cellular damage and protect the body against serious illnesses including heart disease, bone weakness and cancer.
1. Menstrual Pain

Rose tea has traditionally been drunk around the world to alleviate some of the symptoms of menstruation, in particular to ease painful cramping. Until fairly recently, there was no scientific evidence to support these claims but in 2005 a study conducted in Taiwan was able to confirm its effectiveness.

In adolescence, the painful symptoms of menstruation are also linked with significantly poorer academic and sporting performance and the aim of the study was to examine the effects of rose tea on both pain and the knock on psychological effects of menstruation.

The study which was conducted over 6 months on 130 adolescent females concluded that rose tea resulted in less menstrual pain and also less anxiety and distress. Researchers suggested that drinking rose tea was a simple, safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of menstruation.
2. Skin and Hair Benefits

Rose petals are packed full of Vitamin C; indeed there are plenty of claims that one cup has the equivalent vitamin C content of 60 oranges. I cannot verify the truth of this claim but it is certain that rose tea is a very rich source of the vitamin and that vitamin C has well understood antioxidant qualities.

Given our exposure to environmental free radicals and toxins, our skin needs all the help it can get. You do not need to spend a fortune on expensive cosmetic products when you can receive all the healthful, nutritious properties that your skin needs from a more natural source.

Drinking plenty of this delicious herbal tea can help stave off the signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging. Rose tea also supports the body’s immune system while promoting essential collagen production and we know that collagen is the protein most responsible for the health of your skin and your hair.

As well as maintaining your skin’s healthy appearance, rose petals contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can prove effective in treating skin conditions like acne. There is good reason why many commercial skin care products contain rose petal or rose hip extract and both rose water and rose essential oil have been used effectively to treat a variety of skin complaints.
3. Immune system Boost

The very high vitamin C content of rose tea makes it a wonderful natural boost for your immunity system. A strong immune system will help you to stay generally healthier and keep those annoying flus and colds at arm’s length so drink up and enjoy.
4. Sore Throat

A nice hot cup of rose tea is a great home remedy for sore throats as well as the various annoying symptoms of common colds and flu such as stuffiness or a runny nose. The vitamin C content of the tea helps you to fight infection and ease the soreness you are feeling in your throat. A teaspoon of good quality honey like manuka honey will not only add taste but improve the tea’s healing potential.
5. Improves Digestion

Drinking teas made from rose hip and rose petals are known to improve digestion and keep your digestive system in peak working order. Rose tea can stimulate the body’s production of bile which in turn helps our stomachs to digest food effectively.

Bile also improves the digestion of fats in particular. Rose tea is also thought to nourish the good bacteria or microflora in the intestines. Rose tea also works as a mild laxative and is often used as an effective natural remedy for constipation.

Historically it has also used to treat diarrhea and dysentery but there is no direct research supporting this. The probiotic properties of rose tea could be helpful depending on the cause of the stomach issue.
6. Stress and Anxiety

As well as its variety of physical health befits, rose tea can be used to calm the mind and elevate your mood. Stress, anxiety and depression are becoming ever more prevalent conditions in today’s modern world.

Those who suffer from these debilitating illnesses are increasingly on the lookout for a natural and safe alternative to the commonly prescribed pharmaceutical medications which are known to come bundled with risks of addiction and nasty side effects.

Depending on their severity, drinking rose tea might not entirely rid you of these complaints but as part of an overall treatment plan, its calming properties can help you to unwind, ease your mind and even help you to get a good night’s sleep.
7. Urinary tract

If you are suffering from a painful infection of the urinary tract, drinking rose tea can help you to bring the infection under control and ease your painful symptoms. Rose tea is a natural diuretic which means that it promotes both the quantity and frequency of urination. This coupled with its antioxidant and antibacterial properties make it an effective natural treatment for mild infections of the urinary tract.

8. Weight loss

Before getting your hopes up too high, I should mention that there are no miracle fat busting compounds contained in rose tea. It is however a healthy calorie free alternative to many of the sugar-laden drinks that we tend to consume in excess.

Simply drinking rose or any other healthy teas as a substitute your soda or sweet creamy coffee will help you to control your weight in the long term. Drinking a cup of rose tea between meals will also help relieve your hunger pangs and remember that being caffeine free, it is far healthier than your favorite coffee or black tea.

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