Wednesday 23 March 2016

Drink Tulsi tea

Tulsi Tea is one of the best remedies when it comes to heart problems and immunity deficiencies. Tulsi is an herb that only grows in Eastern World. It has wide branches (20-60 cm), strongly scented green leaves and flowers that are usually small and purplish.

There are two known morphotypes, grown is Nepal and India, for religious and medical purposes. Tulsi Tea is not only a health remedy, but it also has its own religious purpose, being used often as part of some Hinduism rituals.
Tulsi Tea Properties

Tulsi Tea is well-known for its ability to provide strength to your body thanks to its antioxidant properties. Commonly known as holy basil tea, this herb is brewed for its anti-stress actions that are capable to protect your immune system from a wide range of internal complications, such as low immunity and weakness towards viruses. Its action targets physical, chemical, environmental and emotional factors that could trigger a negative response to your system.
Tulsi Tea Benefits

The importance of Tulsi Tea has been proved in time by the Ayurvedic medicine, but there are also a lot of scientifically documented researches that point out towards the great benefits of this tea. According to these studies, Tulsi Tea is responsible for the following:

- It strengthens your body, energizing your immune system and improving your general health
- It lowers your cholesterol level and also your blood pressure
- It reduces al stress triggers and improves your mental health
- It increases your body oxygen, which improves your health and endurance
- If you have gastrointestinal problems, Tulsi Tea can make them go away when taken properly
- It reduces your skin burns and your cuts, by reconstructing the damaged cells
- It’s a great help when it comes to fighting infections, improving your liver function
- It is said that Tulsi Tea contains substances able to neutralize the agents responsible for cancer development.

Buy the organically infused Tulsi Green Tea from Nilgiri

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