Wednesday 30 March 2016

Health benefits of lemon tea

 Lemon juice is very well known for its natural antiseptic properties. On the other hand loose leaf tea is by far the best alternative to carbonated drinks and coffee. A combination of both leads to added benefits on health beyond our imagination.
Lemon Tea Benefits for Cold and Flu

Lemon Tea with added ginger helps you in reducing cold and flu symptoms. Consumption of lemon tea 3 to 4 times daily in winters not only gives relief from sore throat but also boost the immune system and warms you up. All you have to do is sip your tea slowly, relishing its taste so that it soothes your throat.

Cleansing action and mental health
Lemon tea is a very strong cleansing agent and majority of the health benefits are surrounding its action on various body systems. Stress generates variety of blood toxins which are majorly responsible for disorders attributable to mental health. Lemon tea is known for cleansing of blood and helps you to remain active and healthy. Besides, it helps in cleansing body systems such as skin, digestive systems leaving us rejuvenated.

Lemon Tea is a Natural antiseptic
The antiviral and anti bacterial characteristics seems to be equally strong with the consumption of lemon tea regularly. It helps treating and healing infections and diseases inside out.
Reduction of swelling arising out of surgery

Swelling or alternatively known as edema arises out of trauma, intravenous injections and fluids, plasma, pooled fluid blood and dead cells of fat and is a very common post operative condition. It occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in between body tissues which causes added pain and discomfort. Many doctors prescribe drinking of lemon tea to reduce and alleviate the condition of edema. Besides, it is said to flush out toxic effects of anesthesia. It also helps in reducing uneasy condition during menstrual cycle of women.

Cancer preventive
Lemon tea contains strong antioxidants and rich in vitamin C. A combination of these two strongly works on free radicals in neutralizing them. This is the main reason for believing that lemon tea reduces the risk of cancer in people who consume lemon tea regularly. Although there is no recorded evidence or research information, a likely hood of the benefit seems to be strongly possible.

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