Wednesday 25 March 2015

Tea Storage Rules: The Golden Five to Follow

Tea enthusiasts love buying tea but they must also be vary of the rules of storage which are applicable on all teas. If not stores properly, tea, whichever variety they are of, be it black tea or green tea can lose their flavor, leaving them tasteless. 
Here are the five golden rules to abide by to keep your tea fresh and tasty:

1. Oxygen Free tea is good tea- With exposure to oxygen, tea leaves continue to oxidize. Airtight vessels are alright for tea storage, but ambient air remains in between the tea leaves and in between the leaves and the top of the vessel. Oxygen absorbing packets are the best when it comes to keeping tea free from oxygen.

2. Tea and Heat = Chalk and Cheese- Tea and heat must be kept from each other as far as possible. Divide and distribute the tea in small packages and keep it in the refrigerator for usage within a week. Do not open a packet immediately after taking it out from the refrigerator. To avoid condensation of leaves, allow it to adjust to room temperature.

3. Say No to Light! Cool and dark places are best for tea to remain fresh and retain its flavor. Tea tends to develop a metallic flavor when exposed to light for long, stripping it of its flavor. So light is an absolute negative as far as tea is concerned.

4. Odors and Others- Tea has a habit of absorbing odors of all kinds from its surroundings. While scented teas benefit from this quality, tea stored anywhere with a bad surrounding aroma can spoil it in the due course of time. Though it is not necessary to store your tea in a completely smell-less place, one should always try and keep it in relatively odorless surroundings.

5. Lesser the moisture, better the tea- Tea leaves release their flavor when exposed to moisture. Use a proper airtight container to ensure that any moisture is blocked and that tea leaves are not exposed to them.

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