Tuesday 31 March 2015

Drinking Black Tea

drink black tea

Black tea is a more oxidized version type of tea and has been known to retain its flavor for several years, when stored properly. It is the most popular form of tea sold all over the world (approximately ninety percent of tea sold is black tea) and several experimentations have been conducted to come up with recipes which are great in their taste. So how does go about drinking black tea?

Traditional Black Tea

To experience an indulgent mood, take one teaspoon of black tea for a cup, heat the water to a temperature of 90 to 100 degrees (195-210 Fahrenheit) and steep for 3 minutes sharp. Those who give preference to sweetness over flavor can add another teaspoon of sugar. This is how traditional black tea is made and drank over most parts of the world.

Additional Ingredients

Like all beverages, black tea too has been experimented upon and quite successfully so. Three of the most common ingredients in added to flavor up black tea are milk, honey and lemon.

Milk Tea - Add 3 to 4 tablespoons (depending on your preference of milk) of milk in a cup of black tea and stir well to get the ideally energizing and refreshing cup of milk tea.

Honey tea - 2 tablespoons of honey sweetens the tea considerably and gives it a flavor that lasts for long in your mouth. Add to that a dash of ginger and you have the perfect combination. For sore throats, this is considered to be nothing short of a miraculous cure.

Lemon tea - Squeeze 1/4th of a lemon in your regular cup of black tea and taste the difference yourself. Add to that a pinch of rock salt and you’ll have to try hard to get over the addictive taste of lemon tea!

Iced Tea - For your summer thirst to be quenched properly, a glass of iced tea is perfect as you sit down on a lazy evening. You can use black tea to make iced tea and sip comfortably while beating the heat! Just follow the following steps. 

Boil two cups (480 ml) of water in a pan. 
Turn off the heat and add 3-4 spoonfuls of your black tea. 
Pour the tea in a pitcher and wait for 10 minutes to cool it down. 
Add two cups (480 ml) of cold water and 5 to 6 teaspoons of sugar and stir the mixture. 
Refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours and serve chilled. Add ice cubes if you want to or a dash of lemon, chilling while you take comfortable sips.

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