Friday 27 March 2015

Green Tea Facts and Myths: Learning to Differentiate

Green Tea is considered to be one of the healthiest available beverages. Ancient China was known for its extensive use of green tea to cure ailments in royal families. The medicinal and health benefits of Green Tea are many but so are the myths surrounding it. So before you take your sip of Green tea and embark on a journey of healthy living, be aware of the myths separating the facts.


1. Weight Loss- Though green tea is recommended by nutritionists for weight loss, there is nothing in its structure that speeds up the process. Along with consumption of green tea, proper dieting and exercise are additional requirements to lose weight consistently. 

2. Unlimited consumption- Too much of anything is not good and green tea is no exception. Drinking too much tea can cause tremors due to caffeine and the polyphenols can cause indigestion, so drink no more than 10 cups a day. 

3. Possible cause of throat cancer- Unlimited intake of green tea can cause throat cancer. So drink limited and in proper intervals. 

4. Caffeine Content in Black Tea is higher- Not really! Black tea is created from the green leaves of green tea, but procedure for creating black leaves zero impact on the amount of caffeine.


1. Stronger Bones with each cup- Daily and balanced consumption of green tea strengthens bones. Green tea contains minerals and other components which not only strengthens bones but also 

2. Cancer prevention- Moderate intake of green tea regularly can prevent the occurrence of cancer. Green tea has a large amount of catechin which prevents the build-up of enzymes which are needed for the growth of cancer cells. 

3. Acne Treatment- Extracts from green tea are used regularly in cosmetics and have been quite successful in countering acne and other skin diseases.

4. Stable cardiovascular system- Regular intake of green tea poses excellent results for the cardiovascular system as it moderates functions of the heart and blood, reduces cholesterol level and removes blood clots among others.

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