Monday 13 April 2015

5 Interesting Tea Facts (part I)

Steaming hot or ice cold, consuming tea is a guaranteed way to indulge in relaxation. But many of us are oblivious of some of the highly interesting facts surrounding the very cup of tea we consume every day. What are they? See for yourself!
1. What we actually drink most of the time are ‘tisanes.’ The leaves we use are amalgamation of different leaves and contain some of the healthiest herbs. So no reasons to worry as tisanes do not compromise on health or the taste of your daily cup. 

2. Tasseomnacy is a well known art of fortune prediction where tea leaves are used as a tool (remember Harry Potter?) The art dates back to ancient China and was probably spread around by gypsy tribes. While its accuracy, like every other fortune predicting method, is doubted by many, the art itself has survived and become quite a pop culture phenomenon. 

3. The Japanese tea ceremony is a social ritual where a kind of bitter green tea called ‘Matcha’ served with a sweet dish as a complimentary serving. A Japanese tea ceremony is a ritualistic social gathering of sorts and is viewed very highly in Japan as it serves a perfect platform for social gathering. 

4. Masala Chai or ‘chai tea latte’ as Americans prefer calling it is an Indian variation of the beverage where cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, black pepper et al are mixed with black tea or milked tea. Tasty, healthy and highly popular, Masala Chai has reached successfully to the Western countries and strengthened its popularity. 

5. The most popular method is to sieve the tea for 30 seconds and throwing away the residue, brew the liquid again. But studies conducted on decaffeinating tea bags have found, that in order to get rid of around 90% of the caffeine one requires to brew the tea for a minimum of 10 minutes and more.

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