Tuesday 21 April 2015

5 interesting tea facts (part II)

Last week we told you 5 interesting tea facts, here are 5 more facts about the beverage of your choice.

1. The most expensive tea in the world is a rare Chinese tea called Tieguanyin, which is around $1,500/lb. The tea is named after the Buddhist deity Guan Yin (Iron Goddess of Mercy). It is an oolong tea. 

2. In 1884, the Aerated Bread Company turned one of their unused rooms into a tearoom. The idea was extremely popular. Tearooms gave a woman a proper place to gather outside the house without a male escort and keep her reputation intact. 

3. Though the Eastern world has been using tea for more than 4,500, tea was introduced to the West only 400 years ago. 

4. White tea is the least processed type of tea. The most “fussy” type of tea is oolong tea. 

5. When tea is being poured in China, guests tap two or three fingers on the table three times to show gratitude to the server.

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