Saturday 30 May 2015

Purple (tea) is the new green (tea)

purple tea

The Tocklai Tea Research Institute revealed that purple tea actually originated in Assam. "The purple tea clone released in Kenya for commercial cultivation is an Assam variety," says Dr P Baruah, senior advisory officer at the institute in Assam.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Question about tea

tea faqs

Tea, which has earned the reputation of being the most widely consumed beverage in the world, has some myths which need to be logically busted in order for us to understand its actual effect on our health. So if you cannot start your day with your cup of tea, learn the truth about tea.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Tea with milk or without?

 milk in tea

Do you drink tea for pleasure or for its health benefits? Tea is an acquired taste, some like it with lime or honey, most drink with milk or as is. Scientists are now saying that milk completely negates the benefits of tea.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Assam tea Vs Darjeeling Tea

assam te, darjeeling tea

Darjeeling and Assam Tea are the most popular teas in the world because of their aromas and distinctive flavors. Both are produced in India, in different regions of course, called Assam and Darjeeling respectively, and are not only expensive, but also considered the highest quality teas of the world. 

Friday 15 May 2015

Health benefits of white tea

white tea

There have been many scientific studies done to prove the benefits of tea. All the teas available have health benefits. But white tea is the least processed form of tea and is known to have the highest levels of anti-oxidant levels. 

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Tea Etiquettes

tea ettiquettes

Drinking tea is a ritual. For some its an art. If you love tea, especially freshly brewed tea - these rules will make the experience better. Enjoy the time you spend with tea.

Friday 8 May 2015

Iced Teas for the Summer

ice tea

Summer is all about heat, sweat and perpetual thirst. So it is also the perfect time to take your favorite beverage and give it some icy cold twist! Try out these ten Iced teas which not only help you beat the heat but the lingering cold aftertaste will always have you ask for a refill!

Saturday 2 May 2015

10 Reasons why Tea is simply better than Coffee

tea vs coffee

It’s an age-old question: What’s better for you, coffee or tea? A lot of people believe they should cut down on their caffeine intake. The common belief is that caffeinated beverages in general will dehydrate you. It’s not true.