Wednesday 22 July 2015

When to drink Green Tea

There are several benefits of drinking green tea - it helps metabolism, boosts fat burning mechanism and helps you stay fit. It contains powerful antioxidants that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight cancer and remove free radicals and unwanted toxic substances from the body. Other antioxidant compounds such as catechins and poly-phenols are known to boost the immune system.

But green tea is also known to have adverse affects on your stomach and other parts of the body. Therefore it is very important to know what is the best time to drink green tea. However, green also contains other substances that can have adverse effects on your stomach and other parts of your body. 

To get the full benefits of the antioxidants in green tea, drink it in between meals. The catechins which is one of the major antioxidants, does not react with casein that is present in milk and other forms of animal protein. The reaction is known to reduce the effectiveness of green tea. 

Green tea is known to inhibit the digestion of calcium and iron and can lead to problems for those who are prone to anemia.

Chinese studies on green tea have also discovered that green tea reduces the absorption of macro nutrients such as fat and protein. Therefore, you should take your green tea at least two hours before or after your meals.

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