Friday 31 July 2015

Result of Weight loss with Green Tea,

Researchers who looked at polyphenols - natural compounds in tea - found that they, along with the caffeine content, increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation, which resulted in weight loss and helped maintain a healthy body weight.

Monday 27 July 2015

Tea with Milk & Sugar?

How one drinks their cup of tea depends on only the person drinking it. The tea connoisseurs would recommend drinking tea black with no sugar, honey, lemon etc added. But there are many teas that are enjoyable with a little milk, or just sugar or both. 

Wednesday 22 July 2015

When to drink Green Tea

There are several benefits of drinking green tea - it helps metabolism, boosts fat burning mechanism and helps you stay fit. It contains powerful antioxidants that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight cancer and remove free radicals and unwanted toxic substances from the body. Other antioxidant compounds such as catechins and poly-phenols are known to boost the immune system.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

History of tea: China

In 2737, the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung discovered tea by accident. As legend has it, the emperor was sitting under a tree and drinking boiled water when a few leaves from a nearby tree fell into his cup. The tree was Camellia Sinensis, and that was the birth of 'tea'.

Monday 13 July 2015

Processing Different Types of Tea

types of tea

From withering to drying, the same Camellia sinensis tea leaf is treated differently during the process to produce the very different aroma and flavour effects of white, green and black teas.

Friday 10 July 2015

Control cholesterol levels with tea.

tea benefits

Drinking Green tea, Black tea or Oolong tea have been shown to have varying effects on your cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that people who drank 5 servings of black tea for 3 weeks reduced their cholesterol levels by 4% and their low-density lipoprotein (the bad cholesterol) levels by almost 7.5%.

Loose Leaf Tea or Teabags?

loose leaf tea vs tabaags

Drinking tea should be a pleasant experience,which means that on some level, one should derive pleasure out of that cup of tea. Though it varies from person to person, pleasure can be derived due to fragrance, good taste and a warm feeling when being consumed. In our fast faced world, we tend to chose a hassle free teabag over brewing a cup of tea with premium loose leaf tea. Read on to know some of the basic differences between drinking loose leaf to versus teabags.